Thursday, July 5, 2007

Soliv Skin Care Still Rules

As you all know I have been using this amazing skin care line called Soliv for the past six weeks and have been giving you updates on the changes in my skin. At the suggestion of my very good friend and VP of Sales for Beth Bender beauty, Lisa Marandas I have started using the mask everyday and boy have I seen a huge difference in my skin.

First of all whatever fine lines I had are pretty much gone and my skin looks firm & flawless. I am going to be 46 years old next month and I still get asked to show my ID. I think this is probably the most amazing skin care line to hit the world of beauty and I would urge anyone who wants to turn back time to give this a try.

Lisa has been using the products a little longer than myself and is constantly asked what she is using on her skin. As I mentioned before the product is just now being placed in spas and salons across the US. You can visit their website at

Just to give you an idea of how great this product is:

  • Improved skin texture, color and integrity of the skin

  • High firming properties that address slackening skin

  • Boost of hydration

  • Pore tightening

  • Effective on skin barrier for more youthful looking skin

  • Effective on scar reduction and burns

  • Line reduction

  • Suitable for highly sensitive skin types

  • Reduction in redness and calming associated with rosacea

  • Versatile – suitable for all skin types

  • Returns the skin to a younger looking state in one day

Oh and did I mention, It won’t break your bank account either. How great is that!



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