Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Soft feet are just seconds away!

I love these products so much! I have tried so many foot care creams and scrubs and none of them work. I was shooting in a studio last week and the manicurist was using Avon foot Works on the model. She said compared to other products that cost a small fortune she saw much better results with these little gems.

These Pedi-Peel pads are awesome and my feet have never been smoother and softer. I am a girl who loves to do her toes on a regular basis and soft feet are a must!

Foot Works Pedi-Peel

A fast-acting, retexturizing treatment with glycolic acid refines and smooths rough, callused surfaces and moisturizers to help soften your dry tootsies. 22 pads are included in each container and for the price it is worth it.

It retails for $4.99 and can be found at or you can contact your nearest representative selling the line.

Also part of my foot regime is the Pedi-Scrub also from Avon. Right now it’s on sale for $1.99, so grab a few and stock up. It’s gentle on your feet and smells sooo good. Your dry feet will thank you.


Foot Works Sloughing Cream

I finish my little treatment with the Deep Moisture Cream and put a little extra on my cuticles. It softens, moisturizes and wakes up tired feet so they’re ready to walk the walk. lol It retails for $2.99 and for the price so worth it.


Foot Works Deep Moisture Cream

Softening moisture-magnet technology reduces rough and dry skin and leaves your feet feeling amazing.



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